Hatha (6 limbs philosophy)

Luna (sexuality & fertility)


Mom and baby

Chakra (9 subtle energies)

Chakra   Location    Type of Yoga


    1          Root           Hatha, 6 limbs; poses, breath work, sense withdrawal, concentration, meditation,                                     


    2         Sacral        Jnana, yoga of wisdom and knowledge, study of scripture.

    3     Solar plexus   Pranayama, energy control through breathing exercises.

    4         Heart          Karma, connection to humanity and selfless service, clearing techniques.

    5         Throat         Raja, otherwise known as royal yoga, using intuition,voice and affirmations to work

                                  within mind and energy field.

    6         Brow           Yantra, using mandalas/sacred geometry to balance subtle energy, determines

                                  dominant chakra through numerology.


    7         Crown         Mantra, connecting with vibrational energy of sound, chanting, raising frequency.

    8        Left ear         Laya or kundalini, awakening dormant energy at base.        


    9       Right ear        Bhakti, or yoga of devotion.

Yoga Nidra/sleep and relaxation techniques will be explored at the end of practice.

Wellness Consulting: Phone & Video conference available

60 minute sessions available for group classes, semi-private, private.

Inquire about availability and book your sessions.

Please refrain from eating 1hr before your Yoga or Pilates session.

24 hrs required for cancellation otherwise the session will be forfeited.

Sessions will expire 12 months after purchase.